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Food your dogs should be trying this summer

Image courtesy: Pinterest

Temperatures are soaring, and you are in your room, polishing off a tub of ice cream; or probably gulping down a refreshing cold glass of juice or a mojito. Your dog looks at you and starts thinking: Why hoomans should have all the fun ??? And why only hoomans get to eat and drink delicious stuff ??? And how exactly are we good bois and gurls for not eating what they eat ??? Are we really being pampered by them as they claim ??? Why should we just drool looking at the good stuff ???

While we take up those questions in the doggo council meeting (you are invited to join in the comments section), we list here, a few drool worthy food items that you should definitely try for your pooches, during this hot weather. You (and your babies) will thank us later !!!


Saw this one coming didn't you ??? Watermelons have a high water content (about 92%), and are good for dogs because of its extremely low fat content and cholesterol (almost nil). Packed with vitamin C and Potassium, it also has vitamin A and B6, which makes it a healthy treat for your dog. It also has a good amount of fibre in it, which can aid in digestion. However, seeds and the rind should not be fed.


Cucumbers are high in water content (about 96%) and have very less calories, making this a good treat even for dogs who are looking to shed a few pounds, or are on a weight management diet. They also have a lot of Vitamin K, which helps in blood clotting and building strong bones.


Buttermilk, since it is made out of curd (or yoghurt), is an excellent natural probiotic, containing healthy bacteria, which is good for your dog's gastrointestinal system. Unlike regular milk, buttermilk has less lactose, which in small quantities is helpful for their overall health. Just don't add the spices that we would and watch them lap it up from the bowl.


The king of fruits in India, mango has high fibre content along with appreciable quantities of other essential Vitamins like A, B6, C and E. It also has sugar, which makes it all the more appealing for your dogs. Make sure you remove the peel and the seed before feeding.

Coconut Water

Tender coconut water is always a welcome refreshing drink when it is hot outside. But did you know it is equally good for your dogs and pups ??? It is a natural source of electrolytes and also has a host of other nutrients like Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorous etc., which are extremely beneficial to your dogs, especially to provide instant energy boost during that intense game of fetch.


A less popular fruit from the melon family, muskmelon is high in Vitamin A and C and has healthy amounts of dietary fibre. Vitamin A is also known to reduce cancer and cell damage, hence proving to be a worthy treat for your fur babies. Again, the seeds and rind should be avoided.

As usual, the above food items are intended to be given as treats and in moderation, and in no ways, to be replaced with your dogs' usual food. Remember, if given in excess, some of them may cause digestive distress, and hence caution is to be exercised at all times.

Let us know what food you will be trying for your pups (join the doggo council meeting !!!). Meanwhile, our in house doggos will be getting a slice of watermelon each (seedless and rindless, of course !!!), as a reward for helping us put up this small article.

Cheers !!!

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